3rd - 4th JULY 2019 | NEC, BIRMINGHAM, UK | Register now

To many observers COP26 ended not with a bang but a whimper, with the watering down of commitments to phase out coal.

Yet there was a raft of piecemeal pledges and agreements made that if honoured would reduce global warming from the forecast 2.7C to 1.8C.

Chief amongst these was the Global Methane Pledge, which commits countries to reduce methane emissions by 30% against 2020 levels by 2030. Over 100 countries have committed to the pledge.

Methane, a more ferocious greenhouse gas than CO2 by a factor of 86, is responsible for 50% of current warming.

John Kerry, speaking at the COP26 Bloomberg Green Summit, said delivery of the pledge would reduce warming by 0.2C and is the equivalent of turning all cars, lorries, trucks, planes and shipping net zero.

Anaerobic digestion is the key to delivering on the Global Methane Pledge across farming, food waste and wastewater treatment. At its full potential it can deliver 50% of the pledge.

AD technology is the cornerstone of common-sense action plans on methane from both the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and EU and flagged as a readily available low-cost solution by the United Nations.

Indeed, the UN states it is the most ‘immediate and cost-effective’ way to deliver the Paris Agreement target of 1.5C.

For the past three years the World Biogas Summit adopted the tagline, “It’s all about the methane”. That argument has been won. It is now about the delivery of the Global Methane Pledge – that is the imperative. And that is what this Summit will address.

Key considerations:

Scope 1-3 Emissions


Net Zero Resilient Farming

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