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Dr. N. P. Singh

Senior Technical Advisor, United Nations Industrial Development Organisation, New Delhi

Born in 1955, Dr. N. P. Singh did his Masters Degree in Physics in 1975 and Ph.D in Bio Energy. In 1976, he joined National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.  He did research work on solar cells.  Dr. Singh has worked as Adviser in the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy since Jan. 1999 and headed various divisions and Groups on Solar , Small Hydro, Biomass and bio Energy and New Technology in the Ministry. Dr. Singh has contributed over 50 research papers on Solar Energy and Bio – Energy in leading National and International Journals/Conferences.  Dr. Singh has written three Books/Reports on Solar Energy and Biomass Energy.

Dr. Singh has been the National Project Director of UNDP/GEF assisted Project on High Rate Bio methanation and also National Project Director of UNDP/GEF PDF Project on Fuel Cell Bus Development in India. During the 30 years stay in the Ministry, Dr. Singh has planned and implemented important R&D, Demonstration and Commercial Projects in the area of Small Hydro Power, Solar Photo – voltaic , Bio-Energy and New Technologies such as Hydrogen Energy, Fuel Cells and Ocean Energy.

Dr Singh was also Director General of National Institute of Solar Energy. Dr. Singh superannuated in July 2015 and now working as senior Consultant in The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

Dr Singh is Senior Technical Adviser in UNIDO, New Delhi since May 2016. He dealt a number of projects relating to renewable energy, micro hydro, innovation and sustainable cities. He is an international expert on Climate Change Mitigation, decarbonization, waste to biogas/CBG and circular Economy.

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